General Questions

Do lneed to add a light base to my 3D crystal?

Depending on where youllplace the cnystal,it may be hard to see the design since the cystalis transparent and the etchingis entirely white.So we advise buying the ight Base along withthe crystal. lt lights up the engraving and makes it much easier to see the image. We always say that it gives life to the crystal.

How long does it take to receive my order?

The production time is 1-2 business days. The shippingtime depends on the shipping method you select You can see the options on our website upon checkout

Will the background of my photo show up on the crystal?

You can see the option to keep the background on the product page. Keep in mind that we can only add the background in 2D

How do you engrave images on crystal?

he engraving proces uses a laser to etch images and text onyour nysta.when the laser isfocused onthe glas,the focal point fenergyis so high thathe structure is changed to a smalpoint. The laser beam is controlled by a computer,creating an image made of a thousand smalpoints. This laser process is known as Vitrography.

Do l need to get a specific crystal size for different numbers of figures in the picture?

Yes, You can see the recommended number of figuresinthe size selecion secion onthe products page.lfthe pictureyou uplbad has more fiures than the recommended,welprocedwith the design in 2D, and each figure will look tiny on the engraving.

Can l see a proof before ordering?

We do not offer proofs for individual orders.Since our desieners do their best to match the 3D eneravine to the submitted imae, your photo serves as proof, ifyou really must see a proof.Ilease specihyin the "speciallnstructions section.Do keep in mind that ifa protis asked for,the producion perniod becmes proloned. fyou arenot happy withthe profand would likeo swap outhe imape,there woud be an extra $3U chare to swap outthe oniginalimae. Please be sure tospeci anv instnuctonsyou have tothe desienersinthe "socal instnuctionssection upon placing an order,lf the customer does not wite in the Speciallnstructions Section, the designershave fre wilto move around the image and text, to allow forthe best
possible outcome of the crystal.


How To Order

How do l choose the crystal?

You can select the crystal of your preference on the menu on our website, and you'l be redirected to its product page

How do l upload my photo?

While caustomizing your chystal onthe produt page, ick on the"Upload photo' buton.A window wilopen, lowingyou to browse through images stored onyour device.ltis the sameproces as uploading a picture to your emal. We recommend uploading tles betwen 100kb and 5MB forthe best pictre quaty. 0ur webste has a size limt of 08 soifyouwould like toupload a photo larger than 10MB, please send it as an email attachment to customerservice@3dlasergifts.com

How do l select the size?

You can seethe size options onthe productpage, along withits pricing and recommended number of figures.Remindto alays check ifyour picture's number offpures coresponds to therecommended number of figures or less of the selected crystal size.



Will the background of my photo show up on the crystal?

You can see the option to keep the background on the product page, Keep in mind that we can only add the background in 2D

Canl see a proof before ordering?

We do not ofer proofs forindhdual orders. Since ourdesignersdo their besto matchthe 3D engraving to the submited image,your photo seres as proof lfyou realy must se a profplease spedifyinthe"special lnstructions section.Do kep in mind thatifa proofis asked for,the production perod becomes prolonged.lf you are not happy with the proof and would likto swap out the image,there would be an extra $30 chargeto swap outhe oniginalimage.please be sure o specfy any instrucions you have to the designers in the "spedial lnstructionssection upon placing an order. fthe customer does not writein the special lnstrucions ection,the designers have free wilto move around the imape and text to alowfor the best possible outcome of the crystal.

Do l need to get a specific crystal size for different numbers of figures in the picture?

Yes.You can se the recommended number ofigures in the size selection section on the products page.fthe picture you uplad has more figures thanthe recommended, well proceedwith the design in 2D, and each figure will look tiny on the engraving.

Can you turn my 2D image into a 3D image?

Yes, our highly skiled and trained designers are working withthe latestsofware and laser technolgyfor image conversion toturn 2D images into 3D images. We make it easyforyou -jusgive us your photo and we dothe rest Please be sure to speciyanyinstnucions you have to the designersin the "secialinstructions" section upon placing an order. fthe customer doe!not write inthe Special lnstructions section,the designers have fre wilto move around the image,text, and rientaton ofthe cnystal to alowforthe bestposible outcome ofthe crystal

What types of image file formats do you accept?

Dur system can proces almost anv imase le tormat. The mostcommon le formatsincude PG, PEG and PNG.fvour fle formatis notlisted here suchas G TE BMPl.contatus aicustomerservice@3dlasergifts.com and we will be able to help you.

Can lupload an image with mature content?

Yes, you can. We'd like to request you to just inform in the "special instructions" section that it's mature content, if possible.


Light Bases

Do lneed to add a light base to my 3D crystal?

Depending on where youll place the crystal,it may be hardto se the design since the cnystalis transparent and the etching is enirelywhite.so we advise buyingthe ight Base along withthe crystal.lit lights up the engraving and makes it much easier to see the image. We always say that it gives life to the crystal.

Do the light bases go with batteries?

Yes, they go with the AAA batteries and the Ac/Dc power adapter.

What is the light base made of?

The light bases are made of high-quality wood and they can have a black or rosewood finish.

How do l choose the light base size?

You can see on each 3D crystal page its recommended light base options.



How long does it take to receive my order?

The production time is 1-2 business days. The shipping time depends on the shipping method you select. You can see the options on our website upon checkout

Do you ship to other countries?

Yes, we ship to places al around theword! ome areas that we do not ship to yet indude Africa, china,Palestine,Southwest Asia, and Yugoslavia.As forshipping and handing pricing thatwould all depend on your country, what shape, size, and weight ofyour entire order, and ifyou need the crystal to be shipped with expedited shipping.*please note that we are not responsible for Customs, Duties, and Taxes,.At checkout you have the option to payforthe dutes and taxes lf not they wllbe colected when the item isdelivered. These fees vary on the cost of the item and destination.



How do you engrave images on crystal?

The engaving process uses a laser to etch images and text on your ystal.when thelaser i focused onthe gilas, thefocal point of eneryis so high that the structure is changed to a smalpoint, The laser beam is controlled by a computer, creating an image made of a thousand smalr process is known as Vitrography.

Why does the production take 1-2 days?

Thatis because our team musteditand enhance vour picture.thenturn itinto a 3D model. and fnaly orntiton ourspecialized aser pinter. We use the latest sofware and lasetechnology for image conversion to tur 2D images into 3D images. The producion process is done atentively and carefulyto make sure your crystal ends upflawless